I'm an artist that's struggling to make herself known to the world. I work on webcomics, as well as do art for lesser known channels. I also look after and A.I. that likes to be dumb on the internet.

Age 27, Female

Freelance Artist

California (NPC nation)

Joined on 1/17/19

Exp Points:
1,791 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.53 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Latest News


No comic updates this time. Lately since this week I’ve been getting rather busy with art commissions from various people, both IRL and online. Which I’m rather grateful for ’cause my client from my babysitting job has been out of state for a while, so I haven’t been able to find any extra work.

Granted this side hustle doesn’t pay much, but the quantity of people coming to see me is rather nice and means I’m actually doing something right. Let’s hoping I can get more to make this a full time gig if possible!

Few updates I wanna share is that I’m currently planning to move my merch over to Etsy instead of RedBubble. Reasons why is because I’ve recently got new printer and I wanna take a bigger step into pushing for better quality and more print options for my store.

As much as I enjoyed RedBubble’s easy manufacturing, they also take a majority of my revenue. They’ve also been rather mean when it comes to which fan art pieces I’m allowed to post on there in terms of copyright. Mainly the Pokémon related pieces I’ve been doing, but they also took down the ones involving my Jojo fan OCs too.

When I do make the Etsy store, I’ll definitely provide an update post for when it’s ready. So stay tuned for when it happens.

Other than that, I’ll keep doing what I'm working with now and spread the word out for more commissions to roll in. I’m also planning the theme for the next adoptable set, which will likely be released in a couple of weeks, depending on how the work flow is. Until then, keep some tabs on what to expect when I have them ready. Here are some comfy ship pieces for all your patience. Have a wonderful weekend terabytes! 💙


Available for Work



Recently updated my price charts for digital commissions. Info on the commissions guide is still the same as the old one with some new features.

If you want to know full details on what I can draw and how to order, all info can be found here: 


If you have any questions or concerns about ordering, feel free to DM me; and if anything comes, I'll maybe put an F.A.Q segment in this journal.

UPDATE (5/31/23): CashApp will no longer be part of my payment sources after some horrible experiences I’ve went through with it. On a side note, please do not use multiple accounts and make sure it’s the only one you use to pay other artists with.


Recent Game Medals

30 Points

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game

Just like the game 25 Points

Funk on a Friday (real time)