I'm an artist that's struggling to make herself known to the world. I work on webcomics, as well as do art for lesser known channels. I also look after and A.I. that likes to be dumb on the internet.

Age 28, Female

Freelance Artist

California (NPC nation)

Joined on 1/17/19

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1,871 / 1,880
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CarlyChannel's News

Posted by CarlyChannel - December 14th, 2019


Been sick with a cold, so I was unable to draw much this week. Tonight will be a Christmas themed OC sketch.


Posted by CarlyChannel - December 9th, 2019

Got back from another week vacation and I’m still a bit tired. There were definitely a lot of attractions over there, in terms of shows, performances, stores, restaurants, and casinos; so there probably were a bunch of things I might have missed. The hotels themselves were really decked out with style and personality from one another too, each one pretty much felt like a different experience.

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Didn’t get to drink as much as my cousins did, nor did I buy a lot of things or gamble; perhaps next year will be a better experience with a friend. Maybe get a better chance to see the freaks out at Fremont. Really want to see some more shows like the ones in the Cirque Du Soleil, ’cause they are worth it in terms of good stage performances.

Traffic wasn’t as bad as well; sure there were some stuck ins, but they weren’t as terrible as commie-fornias. Weather was cold as expected, but not horrible. There was one instance where it rained, but it didn’t stop us from going around the strip. There also was a lot of walking involved, which made me kinda glad that didn’t go around in my nice boots.


Posted by CarlyChannel - November 30th, 2019

Got my laptop back, now with a much better battery life and a cleaner display~! 

So unfortunately I wasn’t able to work on anything story related, but did managed to do some traditional pieces. 


Commission slots will be open for grabs again; soI’m gonna at least try and get some stuff done ’till I go on another week vacation again. Might even do a livestream this Saturday. If you want a commission me, best to do it now just to be prepared and set for when I get back. 

I mostly just got myself to go back, and play where I left off in my copy of Pokemon Ultra Moon. Managed to put together a stable team for once, get past the Ultra Necrozma battle I was stuck on, beat the main story and Rainbow Rocket episode, and overall filled the whole Pokédex (with the exception of Zeraora, who sadly was an event I missed back then). 

Guess you can say that it’s a sorta prep play through for Sword and Shield; despite all the backlash and blatant lies the devs got and gave, I’ve been hearing it’s okay for most part. I know from what I’ve seen; is that it has a step back in terms of quality, but if there are patches that’ll fix problems and somewhat improve the gameplay, then I’m willing to give it a slight chance, just as a standard title alone. (I’m not expecting it to be a master piece, if anything it could be considered a baby’s first title to the series.)

One thing I’d like to add, concerning the last post about COPPA. So there have been some reformations about certain points on their decisions. Such as how they know certain animated shows aren’t always for kids, and how they’re not gonna just pull an Avengers infinite war, and snap all of the smaller channels that don’t make money out of the site. They have made one statement that the creators should know their analytics on what their geared audience is, before pushing the settings on their channels. In terms of how my channel is; I’d say my audience is mostly geared towards young adults, and maybe some teenagers. So I don’t think I have much to worry about. So to tubers out there, make sure you know your audience and check, just to make sure the staff is verified with your facts.


Posted by CarlyChannel - November 24th, 2019

If any of you have been following me on social media, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve put my commission slots on hold so quickly. Well basic reason for that is that my laptop is currently going through some repairs, such as a better battery life and a new look. It’ll roughly take about a full week, so I’m basically stuck with using my phone for while. Plus side of this though, is that this will give me time to so some practice sketches, as well as catch up on any games, books, or shows that I’ve been meaning to look into. So all in all, it’s not too bad.

One thing I’m sure some are wondering, yes I’m aware of the recent situation with COPPA and the FTC. There are countless of videos talking about the situation, and it really disheartens me with how much these young creators are gonna suffer. The only thing I’m concerned about really is that some have hinted that’ll spread to other mediums other than YouTube. As of now, the videos I make are only there to promote my work, without the ad revenue. Small chances are if the YT channel does end up get terminated, it’s technically not the end, for I’m making money from commissioners themselves. There is however a petition to try and make them change their minds, as well as the option to leave a comment on the gov site. We just need to be super civil, get others aware of the situation, and just be faithful, so that the so called future spread won’t happen. Until then, diversify yourself in terms of the platforms you use to promo yourself.

To leave here on a positive note; I’ll might get back into brainstorming my story ideas, for I really want to get back into them again. Maybe write down some one shots as practice. One in particular will based on a dream I had a few days ago with this new character sketch I made:


If things go well, then maybe my creator goals will finally be met, but we’ll all just have to wait and see. Rome wasn’t made in one day, after all.


Posted by CarlyChannel - November 18th, 2019

EDIT (11/22/19): My laptop is currently going through repairs; All commissions and art are gonna be put on a temporary hold for a full week.

After much anticipation and waiting, I’m happy to say that I’m officially open for commissions now. 

I have 10 open slots available for anyone who is interested. When all 10 orders get completed, the slots will open again. Keep note that there will be some points where I’ll temporally close due to IRL plans as well. 

If you want to know full details on what I can draw and how to order, all info can be found here: https://artbycarlyh.wordpress.com/commission-info/




If you have any questions or concerns about ordering, feel free to comment below. If anything comes, I'll maybe put an F.A.Q segment in this journal.


Posted by CarlyChannel - October 16th, 2019


So I’m back from my week vacation sadly, but I knew I couldn’t leave you guys. 

Maui was just absolutely beautiful and completely different than what I was ust to. Weather wasn’t as bad, traffic was very chill, and the ocean water was very nice and swimmable! If I had the money to go and live over there instead of the hell that is “commie-fornia”, I would.


We (Me, along with my mother and aunt) ended up doing a bunch of stuff then just relaxing. All of which included a boat cruise, horseback riding, hiking in the Road to Hana, snorkeling, exploring the local aquarium, and most of all… enjoying lots of great food. Even got to try drinking a few Mai Tais, and I will say this: never knew I could be so talkative when buzzed/almost drunk. XD

A bunch of more photos, as well as videos I’ve taken of the whole experience can be found on my Instagram .


Now onto some art subjects at hand. 

Since it took a week for me to get back; I’ve likely ended up a lil rusty on my skills, and it’ll take a bit for me to get into the groove of things. So I’ll just give ya a heads up on what to expect.

The new adoptables set will be up for sale tomorrow, the fantasy set will also still be around for extra payment if others are still interested. As said in the past, they are easy money gain, so new sets will come often if successful.

I will be continuing on working with Kishti’s portraits, as well as the Halloween poem for my mom’s friend. Portraits are being done one set at a time and with realistic gestures in mind; they likely won’t be as nearly perfect, but they will be better than the other ones I did earlier this year; as for the poem, again chances it’ll likely not make it for the holiday, but you can’t rush good art, ya know?

Livestreams are also gonna come back; I know I’ve kinda missed a weekend or two, but sometimes unexpected things get in the way of plans. I’ve also been trying to come up with what I should stream (art or game related). This weekend will involve taking the character that was second most voted in the last art straw poll, and draw ’em as a stream exclusive. They won’t be edited onto my usual speedpaint vids (due to the stream format and internet chugging), but they will have process GIFs instead.

Another thing I wanna point out is that I might be getting close to opening commissions soon. I had the entire set up in my notes, ’till my MacBook ended up receiving the latest Catalina update; which ended up erasing all my past notes. So all that brain storming for future projects, code formats, set up plans, and various of other reminders, GONE!!Thankfully I shared screenshots of the original formats to some people, so it was easy enough to at least receive the images of the OG plan outs. Will have to go through ’em to make the needed changes I did, but won’t be too much of a hassle.


And that’s pretty much it really… other art related things will go as they usually are. Also, for those that follow me on Twitter probably remember that small rant I made about the Perfect Blue speedpaint not uploading to Bitchute, well it took ’em a day or too but it’s up there now for all to see . Might even do other video related things such as voice reels and such if feeling it.

Until then, I’m gonna be getting back into the spirit of spooktober, with the next piece I’m working on. Which I’ll only say… it involves the scary transformation of a certain yellow pegasus mare…



Posted by CarlyChannel - September 20th, 2019

So as I first mentioned in my latest upload, I’ve been keeping myself busy with other things. 

First one I’ll mention is a lil project I’m working on: So with the month of horror coming around the corner soon, still aching to do more webcomic related stuff. Three weeks ago I came up with a idea I want to work on, but only if you guys want it. It’s gonna be a lil anthology series of short horror stories. The premise of this idea will include the short stories being told by a family of demon/vampire/ghost girls.

Here are a couple of concept sketches I’ve came up with:

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So far I’ve got a few horror stories in mind that I wanna plan out; Of course I will try to make sure they’re original as they could be, as well as have some friends go over the premises and writing. If anyone would like to contribute to this project with some story ideas of your own, feel free to message me.


Next is that I’m currently redoing the still portraits for Kishti again. I really want to make sure they look just about right before her next video gets released, she also of course gave me a list of new expressions to work on.


I want to greatly thank her for being so patient with me~ With all the things I have to put up with; wether it’d be doing things with family, my mental health, or other art related things in general, she would never ask or put too much things on me pressure-wise, and gives me all the time in the world. She has really stuck around, not only as a patron and collaborater, but also as a close internet friend, and I really appreciate it. :3


Next up is the new adoptables set. 

As of now, it’s almost ready to be released. Two more designs need to be made and it’ll be up for business in no time


As I mentioned a bunch of times before, Half of my fantasy adoptables are also still up for sale, so if you or know of a friend who is in need of a character design, check here for details and message me if interested.


Last thing that I’m working on another art related project for a friend of my mother’s. 

It basically involves me doing cute illustrations for a Halloween themed poem she has made. It will also be done in different drawing technique. Slight chances are is that it likely won’t make it in time for the holiday, but we’ll soon hopefully see.


One more thing I want to mention; is that I’m gonna soon be on a vacation in Maui, by the time October rolls around. It’ll be for a full week and you guys probably won’t expect any new art stuff by then. Probably won’t be able participate in this year’s Inktober by the looks of it. So if I’m a bit silent on certain sites, that’ll be the reason why. 

If any of you would like to see the future photos and video recordings of my experience, why not follow me on my Instagram? I’m sure it’ll be an enriching and fun time.


Now to end this off, here’s another Ask Carly and Phil.



Posted by CarlyChannel - September 3rd, 2019

I want to give a small shoutout to CherriBi for making the very cute request piece she made me of one of my OCs!


Feel free to check out CherriBi’s work, she’s always open for requests, whether it’d be art or icons, and her chibis are just adorable~!

Want your artwork to be featured in the next post? Just send your art piece to me here through PM, or any of the social media platforms I’m on (links in the front page); It just needs to be Carly.H/CarlyChannel related, wether it’d be of my avatar or my OCs.


Posted by CarlyChannel - August 24th, 2019


Gonna be continuing where I left off in Wadanohara. If anyone missed the last stream, there are a couple of highlights vid on Twitch for you to watch, so you can be caught up with the story. 


Posted by CarlyChannel - August 18th, 2019

Kinda difficult to make updates every once week now, is it? Especially when you try too hard to find the balance of: “not overworking yourself” vs. “not slacking off”. 

Anyway, managed to finish the first question for a new OC Q&A: Ask the Queens of GR; as well as a new Ask Carly and Phil.


Something tells me that they’re likely gonna end up with questions that’ll just leave them slightly confused, due to how they don’t know our universe so well, lol XD


Yeah, in terms of what Sony has been doing with their games recently, the people at Nintendo are the true chads of this age now...

And now for something cute, a small digi sketch of me and Phil in our Splatoon-sonas. :3


Been really putting a lot of my free hours into Splatoon 2 lately; As of now I’m currently at around Lv. 27 and my ranks are just around the B section. Still have yet to try out the Octo Expansion (which I hear is extremely difficult), but been having loads of fun either way. Part of me really wants to do streams of it sometimes and do some custom Splatfests with everybody, maybe I’ll do a Ko-Fi donation goal to get myself a capture card eventually.

More regular stuff will be coming for this week, in the meantime I’ll be streaming every Saturday and try to finish Wadanohara. Last night didn’t get a lot of people to show (which was likely expected, due to my “not every once a week nature”), but hopefully that’ll change soon.
